I woke up with a crick in my neck....Maybe it’s the way I slept...I hear these on a daily basis from patients as a chiropractor. Believe it or not there really is an ideal way to sleep at night.
Confession time: I was a stomach sleeper my whole life up until I was in chiropractic school (I know, I know, shame on me). That is until one day, one of my professors pointed out that when someone sleeps on their stomach that’s almost as if they were walking around with their head turned to one side with a 2x4 holding it in place. Talk about having a stiff neck! Once he pointed that out to me, I had to break that habit (and trust me, it’s a hard one to break). I am still dealing with a stiff neck and have to get adjusted regularly to help.
First off, GET RID OF ALL OF YOUR PILLOWS. Think I’m crazy? I’m not. Pillows are not necessary, and ideally you wouldn’t use a pillow or you would use one that only supports your neck, not your whole head.
So, then what are the best ways to sleep?
If you’re a side sleeper, then I would want to make sure that your spine is all aligned. You want to make sure your neck is supported and stays neutral, so find a pillow made for side-sleepers that does so. You also want to make sure to keep your hips aligned. I like to have a pillow between my legs to do that.
One-hundred percent, the best, most ideal (have I made it clear that this is HOW you should be sleeping yet?) way to sleep is on your back. When you do this, then you should have a single pillow, if any, under your head. You don’t want to force your head into what is essentially anterior head carriage (which is something you don’t need help with, trust me, but that will be discussed at a later time). Remember how I told you to get rid of all of your pillows? Well, hold onto one, use it to prop up your knees when you’re on your back. Earlier I confessed that I was a stomach sleeper and I will admit that when I sleep on my back, in the ideal position, that I fall asleep faster and sleep better...maybe there’s something to it…;)
How do you sleep at night? Have you ever woken up with a crick in your neck? Try out these tricks and see if you notice a difference in how you feel.
If you do wake up with a crick in your neck, we’re here for you, if you live in the San Antonio area. Give us a call and let us know what is going on and we will get you on the schedule. Here’s our number: (210) 323-2163.